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Bosses Drop PET SNACKS?

Jan 25, 2010
Well I was fighting a boss in Grizzleheim.

BOSS= 7,500 health HELPERS: Around 1,200 health

So I had a Grandmaster Diviner, and I am a Master Pyromancer and the other was a Grandmaster Sorcerer and I forgot the other but It was Magus. Anyway ...

It was a long and hard battle and it took longer than 10 minutes (Which is fine by me) The Diviner finished the minions off with a stormlord, then used triton and stuff. The sorcerer did Judgement. I did some Phoenixes. (I was like lvl 40) And the magus did magus stuff. Finally, the boss fell. We celebrated. But ...

What was my reward for completing a maze with trick bosses and a super hard boss at the end?? Two Pet snacks and clothing that was for another school. I was simply dissapointed. I think KI should change this.

Sep 20, 2008
Igloogirl3 wrote:
Well I was fighting a boss in Grizzleheim.

BOSS= 7,500 health HELPERS: Around 1,200 health

So I had a Grandmaster Diviner, and I am a Master Pyromancer and the other was a Grandmaster Sorcerer and I forgot the other but It was Magus. Anyway ...

It was a long and hard battle and it took longer than 10 minutes (Which is fine by me) The Diviner finished the minions off with a stormlord, then used triton and stuff. The sorcerer did Judgement. I did some Phoenixes. (I was like lvl 40) And the magus did magus stuff. Finally, the boss fell. We celebrated. But ...

What was my reward for completing a maze with trick bosses and a super hard boss at the end?? Two Pet snacks and clothing that was for another school. I was simply dissapointed. I think KI should change this.
You could just sell the clothing and use the pet snacks on your pet so it can benefit you in battle. Besides, what did you expect? A small horde of Wildclaw pets? Anyways, drops are based on participation so maybe you should have done more in the battle.

Jun 11, 2010
All boses have a programed list of things they will drop. They will drop a few random (I repeat RANDOM) items from this list. Sometimes you will get a common robe with bad stats and a couple pet snacks, other times you may get an extremely rare robe with amazing stats, and a couple of cool furniture items. It all depends on luck. So all you really can do is gather a few high-level friends of yours, put on your best gear, make sure you have plenty of healing spells in your deck, and go and try again. You may be dissapointed with what you got this time but maybe if you try again you will get something better.

Jasmine StormBlood
Lv. 16 Journeyman Sorcerer