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Open Letter to Kings

Jun 03, 2009
To whom this may concern,
Dear sir or madame,
I have in the past so enjoyed playing wizard101 and think you have done a good job at making the game fair and a challenge to all players.
However with the release of the new world called celestia things seem to have changed a LOT.
Now I have to tell you I do not always solo but can in so much of the game. This changed in new place that is no longer possible when I try to collect for a quest some needed items and I'm solo I fight the things that have the so calledtems and get nothing after (5) FIVE fights come on thats just crazy and so boring this new world is NOT worth playing in not even with my partner whom I have teamed with so much. Of course we expected a challenge and knew it would not be easy but this is ridiculous and so to the point it makes one tired just playing or trying to play. Perhaps that was your point make the players leave and come back and continue paying to play is that it? I have to tell you that is a plan for failure in anyones book. So shut it down and fix it if you need to ,maybe you will stop losing you customer base.

Mar 28, 2009
I agree. Your random number generator is far too heavily weighted toward not dropping the quest completion items. It is quite annoying.

Feb 16, 2010
I agree. After battling continuously to collect, almost dying every battle, and having to have help for every battle, I am seriously let down with Celestia.

I enjoy a challenge, and fully expected Celestia to be a challenge, but to be set up for defeat before the battle begins, battle after battle after battle, is truly ridiculous. One should truly expect the bosses to be extremely difficult, that makes it fun, but the guys you have to fight to move thru the quests are ridiculously difficult to beat, and impossible to solo.

Feb 01, 2010
um that's the point celestia is supposed to be a challenge what can be more challenging then fighting a ton of celestia enemys i happen to like celestia so there is nothing at least so far i want them to change

Jun 03, 2009
Iridian522 wrote:
I agree. After battling continuously to collect, almost dying every battle, and having to have help for every battle, I am seriously let down with Celestia.

I enjoy a challenge, and fully expected Celestia to be a challenge, but to be set up for defeat before the battle begins, battle after battle after battle, is truly ridiculous. One should truly expect the bosses to be extremely difficult, that makes it fun, but the guys you have to fight to move thru the quests are ridiculously difficult to beat, and impossible to solo.

Thanks for joining the thread here.
I noticed another thread where a guy had to hire henchmen many many times to get his items so NOW are we getting the picture of how Celestia was set up and its function kids that do not have crowns won't stand a chance at going solo myself I'm an adult player However I refuse to join in the game of being KI's CASH COW enjoy what the game is for what it is get friends to join save your money for other things have fun and stay safe :)

Jan 01, 2010
Best thing to do is group fights on the collecting quests, then solo/partner on the bosses. For collecting I go to busy realm and look for a group to join. I of course ask permission before hoping in but then we all battle a few rounds until we get what we need and then move on.

I prefer to battle bosses myself. Much more of a challenge on this world but very fun! Completed Stelarium (sp?) last night. That Myth boss using Earthquake every few rounds was a total pain but I was so pleased once I completed it!

May 28, 2010
My friend and I have always played together. We expected Celestia to be harder. I just feel if the street battles to collect things are so much more difficult, you should collect the items much faster. When you do five battles in a row (and as a storm wizard I am now frequently being defeated and have to constantly be healed by my friend) and are we are both still told we did not collect ANYTHING, it is no longer any fun. We have only just gotten into the grotto, but we have quit playing in Celestia because it is too frustrating to keep battling such difficult enemies and not progress with the quest.

Morgan Moonrider, Grand Magus Diviner
Amber Pixiebreath, Grand Magus Theurgist

Jun 01, 2010

Morgan Moonrider, Grand Magus Diviner
Amber Pixiebreath, Grand Magus Theurgistyou mean grandmaster?