all the icons that represent defense, strength, power pips, healing, ect.. bonuses for equipment are all now white squares!
i can see all the cards fine, but where it show bonus to stats, it shows the number, the percent, but not the icon! it is now a white square.
this was on test realm, but not live game, and i posted about it, but no response. Now that test realm is added to live realm, the glitch has transferred over!
please help.
using SiS760 64MB video card i was one of those affected by the lines instead of player names glitch as well. (which has been fixed, thankfully!)
yup same here all the spells that are used are not fog and fire but is white squares and we have done most every thing from drivers card drivers sound driver updates and cant seem to get it to work anyone out there that can help us out plz..thanks..
Log in to Wizard101 and click the Help & Support banner. At the bottom of that page is a link to "Contact Us". Mr Lincoln should be able to help you with your graphics issue.