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Temple Gatekeeper Son of Storms Teleporter

May 30, 2009
After talking to the Temple Gatekeeper. I am told to use the teleporter on his right. There is only one teleporter showing and that is behind him. When I get on it though nothing happens. Is there something else that I need or do?

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
engineerkid2000 wrote:
After talking to the Temple Gatekeeper. I am told to use the teleporter on his right. There is only one teleporter showing and that is behind him. When I get on it though nothing happens. Is there something else that I need or do?

There are 3 teleporters in that area, but two of them, the ones to the first two quests, are down ramps. You should see the blue glow of the teleporter if you turn around.

May 30, 2009
Right after I hit enter I went back and noticed stairs going off of the Gatekeeper's right side sheesh had a dumb moment. LOL