I had a quest to defeat some Split Hoof Ragers in the Boar Camp. Twice, not once but TWICE I caught one using CYCLOPS!!! Ragers are realitively high rank ELITE STORM enemies, yet they used Cyclops! A MYTH spell! Plus that's what killed one of the dudes helping me! Grr...
Can anyone please give me a good explanation for this?
It seems to be a recent change. I've found some storm enemies using myth as well. And it's not just storm. Life guys are now casting Death spells, etc. I personally don't like the change at all. You have no idea what shields to put up.
It is very annoying. I put up all six shields, and though I have a 57% Balance resistance. I'm usually fine. I was fighting in the Nastrond yesterday, and then this freako Skeleton dude uses a Balance spell on me. It does 970, killing me. My friend is killed when a level five ported to him, thus bringing in another enemy. KI, can you please help us?
i am lvl 31 and i have evry shield cept balance. r there any lvl 60 balances out there that have balance shield? LET ME KNOW lol
There is no shield for balance. Just Tower Shield and some life shield spell.
But yes, this does get annoying. You're expecting a storm attack... But surpise! Myth. It doesn't make any since. But Split Hoof Rangers are easy... but I should say it from a different view.
i am lvl 31 and i have evry shield cept balance. r there any lvl 60 balances out there that have balance shield? LET ME KNOW lol
There is no balance shield. The only thing that works against balance is the tower shield which you can train in the school of ICE or buy as a treasure card in the bazaar.
I had a quest to defeat some Split Hoof Ragers in the Boar Camp. Twice, not once but TWICE I caught one using CYCLOPS!!! Ragers are realitively high rank ELITE STORM enemies, yet they used Cyclops! A MYTH spell! Plus that's what killed one of the dudes helping me! Grr...
Can anyone please give me a good explanation for this?
Ok, first of all, it doesnt matter what school the ragers are. they can still use myth, probably because lots of somewhat higher ranks can use their school and their opposite school, making them more powerful in some way. Second, you asked for help, and i have some experience in needing help when something kills you after fighting it for, like, half a minute. Ok, heres my advise. Hit escape on your key board. On the top right of the spell book is a button that says when you go over it, 'realms'. Click on this and go through pages of realms until you find a realm that is crowded, which usually has at least one person battling something in the area. If your computer is old and very slow, i reccomend using a 'normal' realm. Or, if you find yourself lucky, invite a friend to help you. I hope this helped you, eggywig. Rachel Ghostcatcher, level 58 conjurer