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Jun 14, 2010
I'm still an amateur gardener, so correct me if I am wrong, but if you go somewhere for a week without any computers, when you get back, most of the plants in your garden will be dead, and I'm not sure that there's any way around this.

You can't postpone the trip to finish up your gardening, because to your parents, it's only gardening, your plants will still be there when you come back, and a trip to Hawaii would be waaaay more exciting.

If there aren't any computers, you can't make sure that your plants are getting their needs tended to.

It's tough to fix your garden up ahead of time so that you have no plants in it before the trip.

So, I suggest creating a gardening spell called freeze. (or something along the lines of that) This would allow you to "freeze" your plant's growth, but it would also prevent it from getting any pests or needs and/or dying. This could happen as long as you need it to, and a second spell called "defrost" would nullify the effects of freeze.

This should be a rank one gardening spell to start off with, so that even low-leveled players can use it. It would "freeze" one plant, and cost maybe three or four energy. Maybe for the higher (gardening) level players there could be something like freeze, only it works for multiple plants at once.

Correct me if any information in this post is wrong, and please let me know if a gardening spell like "freeze" already exists.

Jun 11, 2010
I'd like this too, since as soon as school starts I can only play Wizard 101 on the weekends.

Aug 23, 2009
The idea to be able to "freeze" gardening for extended periods when one is unable to play has been proposed several times since gardening came out especially when it first came out, sadly I can't recall any direct responses from KI. The only thing I can suggest but it may be too late in your case is plan ahead when you know you will be away or unable to play to not have anything growing or at least be able to let things die.