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Secret Bosses in Nidavelir

Jun 10, 2009
Hello Everyone!
On Trips to Nidavelir to defeat Jotun and Friends, I noticed 1 or 2 more bosses in that dungeon that do not appear to have anything to to with the
dungeon, nor do they obstruct our path to Jotun. They just seem like something that was thrown in there for no apparent reason. Why are they there? Is there a reason? Or was it just something meant to be a quest, but that was cancelled out at the last minute?
Reply if you have an answer!
William Crowthistle Legendary Pyromancer

May 22, 2009
In nearly every world there is a secret boss (one not attached to a quest). Usually these bosses drop unique pets, furniture, and items.

I believe they are the for an additional challenge.

Hannah Lifebringer Level 60 Life

Community Leader
They are just that Secret Bosses in Nidavelir . Fun battles and you never know what they may drop.

Oct 24, 2009
Nicitas wrote:
Hello Everyone!
On Trips to Nidavelir to defeat Jotun and Friends, I noticed 1 or 2 more bosses in that dungeon that do not appear to have anything to to with the
dungeon, nor do they obstruct our path to Jotun. They just seem like something that was thrown in there for no apparent reason. Why are they there? Is there a reason? Or was it just something meant to be a quest, but that was cancelled out at the last minute?
Reply if you have an answer!
William Crowthistle Legendary Pyromancer

What is the name of the boss?

May 30, 2010
in most dungeons in the wi101 world there are "secret bosses" in that dungen there r 2 secret bosses . those bosses are not required but are extra bosses for better loot