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Marleybone Suggestion

Feb 17, 2009
I recently did a poll on wizard 101 central and found that most people liked mooshu and the majority of the people who voted disliked Marleybone. I also talked to a few seasoned wizards about their experiences and most said they disliked Marleybone.
I have a few suggestions to improve Marleybone.

1. Make sidewalks for the streets like Hyde Park
2.Make the robbers stand out a little more, I know they are supposed to blend in with the scenery but it and be quite annoying when you finish one fight with the O'leary gang and get pulled into another because you didn't see the robber.
3.Shorten the balloon flights or lets say after getting a ticket to the destination you want to go 20 times the flight automatically shortens or you could get to explore the new part of the balloons deck.

Every world in Wizard 101 is amazing and unique but these are just a few suggestions to make it even better.