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pvp problem

Dec 20, 2008
I have noticed in pvp (both ranked and unranked, or practice) when you are ready to start a match you cannot see the other persons level making it extremely hard to know who you are up against.

One more off topic "bug" my character, Ethan ShodowThorn, cannot make his own batttles or matches in the ranked pvp.

Idk if its just me or if other people are having this problem but the only possible way is to quick match, which makes me mad because it randomly chooses all you specifications for the battle.

Jan 24, 2009
Well quick match only for ranked matches is a VERY good thing because it makes sure that players cant choose to not fight a grandmaster or something. It makes it so you always fight a random opponent.

Dec 31, 2008
In ranked PvP you are not supposed to choose all the details of your match, but you can choose how many people (1v1, 2v2 etc.) and whether your team is friends only or randomly assigned. Click the handshake tab (on the right) to either start a team that only your friends can join, or join a team your friend has started. I guess it's possible for someone else on the team leader's friends list to jump onto a friends-only team ahead of one of the invited friends, but hopefully if they are on your friends list they will check first or you can work it out with them.

The system always gets to choose the opposing team based on who is available and what their rankings are. If you want to choose who to fight against, you have to use the practice arena.