I'm stuck on the ONI no death quest and I really wanna beat it any help is good........I don't know what they mean by locate the bridge I've crossed it but it still says locate the bridge advice would be good like what that means I crossed the bridge and beat the tree of life dungeon like 3 times but the quest won't go on please help pleeeeeeeeeeeeezzz
After you defeat the Death Oni, you need to go back and talk to Yishen Chen, who's just outside and to the left of the portal to the Oni. Then you need to go talk to Tan Keng, who's in the Jade Palace, next to the entrance to Shoshun Village.
If you do the instance again, and Mr. Keng has nothing to say to you, then you need to send in a ticket to support@wizard101.com
I'm stuck on the ONI no death quest and I really wanna beat it any help is good........I don't know what they mean by locate the bridge I've crossed it but it still says locate the bridge advice would be good like what that means I crossed the bridge and beat the tree of life dungeon like 3 times but the quest won't go on please help pleeeeeeeeeeeeezzz
Oni no Death mean the Death Oni. "no" sound mean "Of"