I was questing through Wintertusk and i went to fight some ice guys and when i used earthquake I noticed that it boosted I was just wondering if myth was the only school that boosted and was it bug or was kingsisle just being nice
it happens in wt, cl, and zf. probably to make our lives a little easier. death has boost to life & ice myth has a boost to storm & death balance always had a boost on myth, death, and life
I was questing through Wintertusk and i went to fight some ice guys and when i used earthquake I noticed that it boosted I was just wondering if myth was the only school that boosted and was it bug or was kingsisle just being nice
To answer your question, you would have to check out astral magic. Moon Magic is made up of myth, ice and death. Sun magic is made up of fire,storm and life. Star magic is made from Balance. When you use one of the components onto another component that has all the components, you can get a boost.