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Wand, Staff and Swords cards colors. :)

Jan 04, 2009
Well I have a idea for wands, staff and swords cards. Why not change the color of it? If the attack for example its storm, the card could be purple. If the attack its death it could be black. If the attack its ice it could be blue... ect. XD I mean I know its not a big deal but it would be cool. If anyone support this idea please let it know. Thank You very much for reading this crazy idea of mine.

PS: If you support I am sure KI would her us, they always do.
Grandmaster of Death: Angel.

Dec 19, 2008
Tormentor19 wrote:
Well I have a idea for wands, staff and swords cards. Why not change the color of it? If the attack for example its storm, the card could be purple. If the attack its death it could be black. If the attack its ice it could be blue... ect. XD I mean I know its not a big deal but it would be cool. If anyone support this idea please let it know. Thank You very much for reading this crazy idea of mine.

PS: If you support I am sure KI would her us, they always do.
Grandmaster of Death: Angel.

that would be fine, except that the "blue" item cards are powerfuler than regular cards. so if they did that then they would have to make the spells weaker and thats not good