Alright so when I have quests that say that I have to collect stuff, I always say "Oh Come on Why?!?!?" Beacuse everytime I defeat a enenmy, I dont collect it. CL has horrible luck. Combined with mine it makes it worse. Help?
Alright so when I have quests that say that I have to collect stuff, I always say "Oh Come on Why?!?!?" Beacuse everytime I defeat a enenmy, I dont collect it. CL has horrible luck. Combined with mine it makes it worse. Help?
Everyone gets that I spent over 2 hours doing a defeat and collect quest in zafaria
Alright so when I have quests that say that I have to collect stuff, I always say "Oh Come on Why?!?!?" Beacuse everytime I defeat a enenmy, I dont collect it. CL has horrible luck. Combined with mine it makes it worse. Help?
Everyone gets that I spent over 2 hours doing a defeat and collect quest in zafaria
Alright so when I have quests that say that I have to collect stuff, I always say "Oh Come on Why?!?!?" Because every time I defeat a enemy, I don't collect it. CL has horrible luck. Combined with mine it makes it worse. Help?
Every world has it's do not collect quests, it is part of the game, the problem becomes as the worlds get more difficult so do these monsters to defeat so it does become time consuming - where lower worlds you got rid of them in 3-4 rounds now we are talking 8-10 and they are hitting a bit harder too.
I agree with them being annoying and I also have your luck - I fight Water-Matrons for days to collect, others playing with me get to leave and I am still there battling endlessly.
Alright so when I have quests that say that I have to collect stuff, I always say "Oh Come on Why?!?!?" Beacuse everytime I defeat a enenmy, I dont collect it. CL has horrible luck. Combined with mine it makes it worse. Help?
Wait till you get to "Trail of the Spheres". Also getting some friend(s) to help will get more monsters in the match which might get you a better chance of getting what you need.
Alright so when I have quests that say that I have to collect stuff, I always say "Oh Come on Why?!?!?" Beacuse everytime I defeat a enenmy, I dont collect it. CL has horrible luck. Combined with mine it makes it worse. Help?
This happens to me too when I am in Celestia it drives my bananas! like one time i had to collect something from 4 Shadow Web Mercenaries and it took me literally a week and i played about 2-3 hours every day!
in the lower worlds it should be harder to collect whatever you need because they are easily killed but as you said it takes forever to get the thing you need to collect so since the monsters life ranges from 800 to almost 1300 it should be easier to collect the thing you need because my character is very easily defeated.
Alright so when I have quests that say that I have to collect stuff, I always say "Oh Come on Why?!?!?" Beacuse everytime I defeat a enenmy, I dont collect it. CL has horrible luck. Combined with mine it makes it worse. Help?
When I first started playing the game and it said, "Did not defeat and collect _______. try again" I just though, "what are you talking about I just did!" Little did I know that my luck would just keep getting worse as I progressed through the spiral. Celestia collecting quests take forever and about 1/4 of all the times I kill something is actually collects it. Unfourtunately I have heard from a friend that Zafaria doesn't get any better -_-
I battled two crustacean clawcutters for clues, and got two out of three on the first go. Then I defeated another four, and didn't collect any! But what I have found is if you need more, it collects more and vice versa. I really hate it when you only have to collect one.