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Missing life trap spell

Mar 11, 2009
I am a level 47 life wizard and I do not have the single life trap spell. Am I bugged?

Where do I find this spell if its not on my teacher?



Dec 02, 2008
You can get Life Trap from Mildred Farseer at level 10. Well, you'll probably be a little higher level than that by the time you open Colossus Boulevard, which is where Mildred Farseer is.

Jan 20, 2009
The lifetrap spell is usually given by the archaeologist in the oasis after finishing the sphinx on krokotopia. Check that you've done all quests in the sphinx and if so then I'd send in a trouble ticket.

Nov 26, 2008
It is sold at a trainer on colosuss, the trainer is in a tower, in the small area where pixiecrown ( i think thats her name ) is there is a tower that is on lower ground the trainer is in there, she also has reshuffle and dispell cards

Dec 02, 2008
Sirap wrote:
The lifetrap spell is usually given by the archaeologist in the oasis after finishing the sphinx on krokotopia. Check that you've done all quests in the sphinx and if so then I'd send in a trouble ticket.

You're thinking of lifeblade.

Jan 07, 2009
Since your talking about traps, there are traps for all BUT not one for balance, why is this? All the other traps are clearly marked, if there is one to use on balance then where is it and why doesn't anyone know about it?

Oct 17, 2008
Whiterose2 wrote:
Since your talking about traps, there are traps for all BUT not one for balance, why is this? All the other traps are clearly marked, if there is one to use on balance then where is it and why doesn't anyone know about it?

Balance is a different kind of school. There are no specific shields for balance either, and no specific baldes. Sure, there is BalanceBlade and Tower Shield, but they are for all types. However, balance students get traps and blades for all other schools with Spirit Trap and Spirit Blade, Elemental Trap and Elemental Blade.

Dec 02, 2008
Whiterose2 wrote:
Since your talking about traps, there are traps for all BUT not one for balance, why is this? All the other traps are clearly marked, if there is one to use on balance then where is it and why doesn't anyone know about it?

If they renamed Hex as Balance Trap without changing its function, would that make you happy?

Jul 15, 2008
Whiterose2 wrote:
Since your talking about traps, there are traps for all BUT not one for balance, why is this? All the other traps are clearly marked, if there is one to use on balance then where is it and why doesn't anyone know about it?

The lack of a trap spell for balance is compensated by the "X" number of pips needed to cast judgement. At higher levels you have higher chances to get power pips. So just imagine how powerful a judgement spell cast would be with three power pips in a row.

Oh yeah, Quizzical and bettermixmaster are right in that you can get the life trap in collossus boulevard in the secret trainer house found there.

Jan 07, 2009
Quizzical wrote:
Whiterose2 wrote:
Since your talking about traps, there are traps for all BUT not one for balance, why is this? All the other traps are clearly marked, if there is one to use on balance then where is it and why doesn't anyone know about it?

If they renamed Hex as Balance Trap without changing its function, would that make you happy?

See now I didn't know hex was a balance trap, learn something new everyday :)