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SUPER BUG!!!!!!!!!!

Mar 08, 2009
Ok, so i casually entered a Ranked 4v4 match, and this was my team:
Me, and someone else about my level ( around 25 )
and two novices.
The other team: ALL MASTERS!
And of course, the other team weakened us all to around 400,
and then one of the masters used Scarecrow!
Please KI, will you fix the ranking computer?
Also, has this happened to anyone else?

Oct 03, 2008
Yes please do fix the pairing system, as a grandmaster I feel sorry for lower leveled wizards when they get paired against me :(. Not only do they have no chance of winning these match ups, but many high level wizards (me included) find these kind of matches to be quite boring and give false ranking.

Dec 18, 2008
that happens with me all the time. it would be easier if some grandmasters would use lower rank spells in PvP instead of using power up spells and traps.