I am level 59. In Stormriven hall. Is this normal for me to almost be legendary? I'm still trying to beat Tempus Stormfist.
Nothing wrong with that~ it all depends on how you pace yourself, if you play with friends, and whether or not you've taken side quests.
My Storm was level 55 in Stormriven Hall~ my Death wiz completed WT first and was level 63 by the time he beat Stormfist. So don't sweat it~ the 50-60 range is just an average, not written in stone.
Good luck! -veebz
archmage sorceress, trans necromancer, legendary diviner.
I am level 59. In Stormriven hall. Is this normal for me to almost be legendary? I'm still trying to beat Tempus Stormfist.
It's totally normal. You may of done side worlds or side quests for the extra experience. I beat Tempus Stormfist at level 62. Thats because I did maybe about two worlds side quests and completed all side worlds. Currently I am level 63 at the Science Center
I am level 59. In Stormriven hall. Is this normal for me to almost be legendary? I'm still trying to beat Tempus Stormfist.
well i'm only lvl 55( too lazy to do side quests ) but my friend did it at lvl 68. so your a little bit under lvled if you did do gh and some of wt but normal lvl for if you did none to a little bit of wt