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Gift Cards

Feb 22, 2009
I love that we can get gift cards now and that a really cool pet comes with them. but why are they only at 7 eleven and rite aid? i want to buy one but i live in minneapolis and the closest one to my house is 2 hours away. They should be sold at places like walmart, target, or best buy those stores are more popular and would make more profit.

Jul 05, 2008
I was wondering what people do who do not live in the USA. When or if will you be selling cards in Canada and possibly else where. I wish you could by this in game or at the wizard store. Because it just seems unfair that people who do not live near at 7-11 or rite aid can not get these pets. Seems really unfair.

I do understand the need for gift cards because lots of parents will not use their credit card to by crowns on line. Thus the child can save their allowence and buy crown cards. Which I think is an awesome idea.

Just do not forget the other players around the world.

Feb 18, 2009
I am really hoping that KI considers selling these cards online, as well. This would serve a few good purposes:

1) Not everyone has a 7-11 or Rite-Aid near them. I don't have a 7-11 within like over an hour, and as I don't have a vehicle, and the bus doesn't get you there, it's an impossiblity for me to get one there. We do have a Rite-Aid in town however. Best Buys, Wal-Marts, they aren't everywhere believe it or not. There isn't a single one of those in my county. The closest Wal-Mart is over an hour away. Same with Best Buy.

2) I can see people selling these on auction websites, however, there is an inherent risk of buying one, and after you receive it, discovering the code has already been used.

By KI selling them on their websites to supplement the in-store purchases, they will get a larger customer base for them. I, myself, would have no problem buying them online through KI using my credit card, and having the card(s) mailed to my mailing address. For me, it's one of the only viable manners.

For those not in the USA, perhaps buying them as virtual codes? Webkinz offers something similar to that, where you can purchase virtual items that way.

I can't wait for the Rite-Aid cards though. I am hoping they will be here by May 22nd, as I want to get my niece one for her birthday :)

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
I am planning on contacting friends in other states to see if they are available there...well, friends I trust :)

Maybe you could contact your uncle/aunt/dad's best friend/mom's old college roommate/etc and see if they can pick up and mail?

Apr 26, 2009
Feb 07, 2009