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Changing in Mid Battle

Apr 18, 2009
You think sometime in the near future they will allow us to switch decks during combat?. Nothing irks me more then having to switch back and fourth on the status menu switching decks constantly to fight certain mobs.

Not only that, mix mob groups are just as bad especially when you are fighting one and another joins that happens to be the same school as you. And there are times you may get into that fight you don't mean to.

Here is my suggestion and feel free to comment and make suggestions.

1. You can only change 1 time during combat.
2. Changing to a different deck will cost you 1 round (No pip earned)
3. This is a pure PvE function available only in battle mode.

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
I avoid this problem by obtaining/using a deck slightly larger than I would normally. I add the 'extra' cards, planning on using the discard function to clear. This way the deck has options for solo, group, vs your school, etc...all it takes is 6-8 cards (3-4 prisms, 3-4 shields) and the group cards in treasure (you do earn a ton of these as drops...)

May 22, 2008
Not for in battle, but just so you know, the keyboard shortcut to change decks is "CTRL -K"
saves a lot of clicking

Apr 18, 2009
I suppose that can hold true but it does not in my experience in DS. Every card in my deck is valuable especially in DS. What am I to do? discard a blade? creature? traps? All to get to a prism? Lets hope they don't shield either before your prism lands then your prism is render useless. Does not hold true if vice-versa.

Besides adding more cards to a deck pushes more cards further away (Thats why i hate using wand/staves so early in the game).