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Great Sypre: forced grouping?

Oct 03, 2008
As people may know,the Great Sypre is currently the final instance in the game and is set up so that it requires a group to complete. Personally, I like the set up of the whole instance and would very much like to see more instances like the Great Sypre in future worlds :-). One problem i see though is the fact the Great Sypre is part of the storyline quests, and once the next world comes out, means that if anyone wants to see the next world they'll be forced to a grouped instance which I know will anger a lot of people :(.

So what do you think would be a good solution to this problem? I think the instance should either be converted to a solo instacne, or have dragonsypre be an optional world (meaning you could have the option to skip dragonsypre and do next world instead.) I would like to see what others think on this issue.

Valkoor Crow
Grandmaster Necromancer

Jan 20, 2009
I disagree. Getting two other people to do Great Spyre isn't at all hard, and after all this is an online MULTI-player game. I think there should be more group dynamics in the game, not less.

Think of it this way. By your own argument, a player can solo about 98% through the whole game. Compared to other MMORPGs, that is a very large percentage of content that you can see without help from other players.

Dec 31, 2008
Unfortunatly, I think the solution to this is telling people that no you don't get to solo the game.

Part of the MMO is that people are supposed to play with other people. In just about every game there are the "elite" group that can solo nearly everything in the game. In this instance KI is setting out that you need to do group play, you need to find friends and work together to get through a section.

What a solution would be, for the people who haven't yet built a group of reliable people would be an LFT feature. So people can look for people looking to complete a given quest, either to go back and help them or get through it themselves for the first time.

Some people will not like being railroaded into grouping up with people, personally I'm a little worried since I have two people who work well with me, and we know we need to find a fourth, but thus far the people we've run into are a little scary. Popping feints with their wand blasts, along with their blades and traps, I'm hitting someone with triton, so just ahead of me, they throw storm bats to clear all the trap. Still, we know we need to find people and other people should realize they need to interact if they want to progress.

Apr 15, 2009
I normally would have an issue with it, but seeing as:

1. Max number in group is four.

2. This game makes it very easy to get where you need to go (Porting and now recall marks)

it is not that bad. Especially now, with the recall marks, you only need one other person to unlock the door. One could easily put up a recall mark, port to wizard city or some other commons, ask for help from someone for half a minute, port back and unlock the door, then continue to solo.

I would agree though, it they ever add on to the game, the door should be able to be unlocked by one person.

As for future instances, like I said, I have no issue with requiring three or four people. It is the games that require 25 to 30 people, even more somtimes, where it becomes ridiculous.

Apr 15, 2009
LordAnubis wrote:

What a solution would be, for the people who haven't yet built a group of reliable people would be an LFT feature. So people can look for people looking to complete a given quest, either to go back and help them or get through it themselves for the first time.

Some people will not like being railroaded into grouping up with people, personally I'm a little worried since I have two people who work well with me, and we know we need to find a fourth

That is the exact issue with required grouping in mmo's. I'd say that most people wouldn't mind having to group, even if they tend to be the solo type (like myself), but there always needs to be a good system to put groups together. If you are looking for help with a quest, there may be hundreds of players that need the same quest, but how are you ever going to know if they are not on a friends list, or in the general vicinity/realm/zone, and so on.

As for this game specifically, I wouldn't get too worked up about finding a 'fourth', three is more than plenty to do anything in this game with ease.