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An Idea for wizards beyond Grendmaster

Apr 17, 2009
Ok, from what I have read so far, most people wand higher level spells. The problem is this would require even more rounds waiting for the right amount of pips. So, I propose leaving out that idea for now and introducing a system that reduces the need for pips on spells. Something like a school mastery system. Beyond grandmaster you recieve a certain chance that on your next turn, you will eliminate the cost to cast a spell. You could even incorperate new high level clothing into this to add a higher percent chance to this. This way, they can further explore higher levels. Think about this. My level 50 necromancer has a 77% chance for power pip. In about 5 or so levels he will be darn close to 100%. Than what I ask?

Just my two cents

Valkoor Titanwraith
Grandmaster Necromancer
Soloed Kensington Park