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Crafting Bug

Jan 29, 2009
My son purchased a crafting table at the bazaar and then put it into his house.

He then went to Eudora Tangletree to start to learn the fine art of Novice Crafting. Well, apparently Eudora doesn't recognize the fact that my son already has a crafting table so she is sending him out for Mist Wood so he can create his own.

No problem, my son has 18 pieces of Mist Wood and she only needs one of those pieces. The other problem is that she doesn't recognize the fact he already possesses Mist Wood already and won't give him credit for what he already has. In other words, whenever he talks to her, she keeps telling him to go out and get Mist Wood although he has 18 pieces.

He hasn't gone out and gotten another piece of Mist Wood yet but I did want to report this buggy behavior. You may want to make Crafting Tables non-tradable and non-auctionable.


Apr 25, 2009
It seems to work the same as any other quest...if you have defeated 3 fire elves in random combat and then get a quest to defeat six, the first three won't count.

Basically, it won't "register" until you get the stuff *after* you get the quest.

Works like that for all quests, AFAIK.

May 29, 2009
pablohosehead wrote:
It seems to work the same as any other quest...if you have defeated 3 fire elves in random combat and then get a quest to defeat six, the first three won't count.

kill requirements are one thing, but something sitting in my inventory is different.

It shouldn't auto-complete, but all it should be checking for is "do you have one piece of mist wood in your inventory" .. it shouldn't matter what the time-stamp is on those inventory items, it should just see that i have them in my inventory and then allow me to complete the quest.