last time I check 1/5 hitting isn't even remotely close to 90%.
You can't take such a small sampling (5) out of hundreds of casts; it isn't a representative measurement.
If I saw you for 5 minutes out of the entire day and you happen to be sleeping (because it was 2 A.M.), would it be accurate to say "That guy sleeps all the time!"? (That happened to me when I worked mid-shift years ago...people would remark on how I was "always sleeping" when I really only slept 4 hours/day, half as much as they did!)
seekanddestroy wrote:
Now, the 'kill them before they kill me strategy' you expect this to even work when faced with the odds against you?
That's why you always have a Plan B.
seekanddestroy wrote:
lets say its ice vs storm, ice isnt weak, lots of people say this but it has a good attack power, coupled with accuracy and life, how is this a school based on defence?
Tower Shield, Freeze, Ice Armour, Steal Ward, and your statement, "lets not forget the high defences of ice (that being ice armor and the tower shield plus 3200-3500 life)".
seekanddestroy wrote:
A storm wiz can dish out the power, but when he fizzles continuously
"Continuously?" My Storm wizard does not fizzle "continuously". Storm's success rate converges to 70% and no-one complaining of fizzles has produced evidence to the contrary. Storm's accuracy is only 10% less that of Ice. Your argument is based on a false conclusion.
seekanddestroy wrote:
It isnt solely a defensive school, it is a tank, being capable of taking damage and also dishing it out.
A tank is the ultimate defense..that is why they are designated to take all of the opposing offense's damage. Generally, when the group loses its tank, a wipe typically follows if you don't have another tank to pull aggro. Tanks deal damage (everyone does, even healers; otherwise they wouldn't be able to play) but not the same level of damage a squishy does (but I will say, Ice does do a little more damage than I thought it would). Never did I say Ice was only defense.
seekanddestroy wrote:
New players dont know about the hit points of ice nor their defensive capabilities, so they have all right to complain,.
I don't agree. This is the Information Age, where one can quickly, easily find such information about the different schools. Like this:
If you're a Type A like I am, you've done hours and hours of research before picking your school. If you're Type B (or in a rush), then you picked something and you will discover the game as it unfolds. Neither are right or wrong, but your choice is your choice and no-one else's.
Fortunately, you can re-train your off-school spells or create another character if what you chose wasn't your cup o' tea.
seekanddestroy wrote:
Fire and storm, all the power in the world, no potential to live long enough or accurately cast powerful spells.
That's misleading. We do have training points we can use, so you aren't locked into any one or two or even three school's spells. Again, you(?) chose the two offensive schools, foregoing defense. Character/Strategic design flaws aren't game mechanic flaws.
Vrazule wrote:
I see posts on this board all the time, complaining about fizzles and their high rates. I see it in game everytime I log in, whether it's in my group or when I run by one. I don't care how balanced the numbers are, people percieve them as unfair and not fun, therefore something must be done to alleviate it and bring it to that sweet spot that is acceptable by the player base.
Games are about having fun, so yes, FUN trumps balance and mechanics every single time.
Out of the two million plus W101 players, how many are complaining about the perception of fizzles to the point of ceasing to play this un-fun game? I would assert that the overwhelming majority of players are rational and do enjoy a balanced environment and would take notice of an irrational, unbalanced environment (remember the 'boss enhancements'?) and would find that un-fun and broken. Who wants to play with a broken toy?
To the minority who blindly go by perception: you need to adjust your perception to fit the facts; reality doesn't bend to accommodate your perceptions.
Besides, I think the developers--who rely on this game to pay for things like food and shelter--are in the best position to determine what is FUN.
abackx1 wrote:
I do not get why people dont like fire !
Because they gamble and lose and blame the developers.
Fizzles are part of the game. It parallels real life -- it isn't perfect and there are no guarantees. My wizard is a lvl 46 fire wizard. Sure, I fizzle sometimes and it can be frustrating, but that's the game. Fair? Absolutely, these are the rules of the game. The accuracy rates are well known and published on every spell. The only way it would be unfair if they DIDN'T tell you what the accuracy rate was for each spell. If you are that concerned about fizzles, spin up a new life wizard, you'll be happier.
There was one comment about training to improve your fizzle rate? Well, you can, in a sense. Wear gear that increases your accuracy. Yes, there probably will be a tradeoff between accuracy, damage, resistance, health, and mana. But if accuracy is that important to you, you can improve it. What would be the point of the game if you had the all powerful, high health, no fizzle, high damage wizard that would draw exactly the card they wanted every time and could kill everything in one spell? Might as well just promote yourself to grandmaster on day 1 and save yourself the time.
Part of the challenge/strategy of this game is making those choices. What gear to I wear? What do I put in my deck? Do I cast this spell now even if it might fizzle or do I cast a 100% accurate shield now since there's a trap on me.
I think W101 has given us all the tools to enjoy, be challenged by, and be successful in this game. Don't like your school, create a new wizard -- you have have six of them. Didn't like your secondary school choice? buy back your training points.
i agree, im a fire student and have storm as my secondary, and the fizzling rate is OUTRAGEOUS. i fizzled 3 times in a row when i "attempted" to summon my kraken. They need to bosst the accuracy. Im ok with 70% as long as they make it so its not 50% which seems more likely looking at the fizzle accuracy of fire and storm
its the update. Though some disagree, i fizzled three times in a row with helephant and four with dragon, in one battle even though my clothes give ten percent accuracy boost. So i guess fizzling more is a challenge brought in the update by the guys at KI. Its frustrating yes, but when you kill the guy who you tried to kill and fizzled, there is a great feelingof satisfaction. so hang in there, i do fire and storm too.
Is it just me or does it seem like Lightning and Fire wizards don't do nearly enough damage to justify the severe fizzle rate, reduced hitpoints and defenses, compared to other classes?
Excuse Me!?! First off, it is called Storm, not lightning. Secondly, Fire wizards have a pretty good fizzle rate, considering the damage that Fire spells do. If not, at least our spells do a lot more damage than sucky life and balance damage spells! Life only has one damage spell that people actually use, anyway! Centaur does about half the damage of a Helephant with a Fireblade. Fire is awesome! *mutters* or better than Life or Balance, anyway...
-Elizabeth IceBlossom, level 50 Pyromancer and pyromaniac
Is it just me or does it seem like Lightning and Fire wizards don't do nearly enough damage to justify the severe fizzle rate, reduced hitpoints and defenses, compared to other classes?
I have a Balance and Life wizard. They can outdamage the Lightning wizard just because they can cast 2 or 3 more attack spells for every one of the Lightning wizard's thanks to the fizzle rate. On top of that, they always end the battle with more hitpoints remaining and far less healing during combat.
What is the justification for this? What's the benefit of having higher damage spells if you end up doing less damage than others because of fizzles?
This includes using the all but worthless 10% accuracy buff before each attack.
there us nothing wrong with the fizzle rate and the 10% WILD BOLT is anything but useless the fizzle rate is high so why do you think they made CLOTHES THAT RAISE THE ACCURACY OF YOUR ATTACKS so people can stop whining about how they keep fizzling
I think people want the easy way out. I solo'd the entire game up until DS with a fire wizard, I even beat Chronius (any pyromancer will remember him in DS). Sure, it took me three tries, but I learned from my mistakes and re-adjusted my cards before I went into battle, but I did it. (Prisms are a wonderful tool!) Too often I get people calling on me to help them with a boss, only to get there and find out that they've never tried it before. They expect me to take care of everything for them. I've whittled down my friends list because of that. If they are too lazy to even TRY it before yelling for help, thats sad. Its just a game, for Pete's sake! I got up and danced after I beat Chronius! What a feeling!
I've said it before and I'll say it again: You will fizzle LESS if you solo, as soon as you add a friend to your battle, your fizzle rates go up. If I could only find the statistics I wrote down, I would put them here. I actually counted the amount of times I cast a spell compared to the times I fizzled while doing Katzensteins Lab, and the numbers for fizzling were very low, and this was with a fire wizard. I didn't go the the same extent when I helped people do the same quest, but I did notice my fizzle rates were higher. Think about it, it HAS to be that way, or the game would be too easy! Last night I solo'd the Plague Oni quest, yes the entire quest, (it is an instance) with a level 39 Myth Wizard on the first try. All you need to do is look at your enemies before you go into battle and adjust your cards to suit what you think will work. By the time you get to Mooshu, you should know the way the game works.
I have seven year old twins that have a level 48 balance wizard. Sure, I've helped him from time to time, but I must say that they have now been able to solo the Jade Oni! Once they did that, they don't ask me for help anymore. As a dad, I'm not sure if thats a good thing or bad! But if they can do it, ...
Rogan FireHammer - Grandmaster Fire Blake FireHammer - Grandmaster Death Angus FireHammer - 40 Myth --- Kids: Cody EarthHammer - 48 Balance Rogan MythMancer - 29 Life David StormSmith - 30 Myth
Fizzles are part of the game. It parallels real life -- it isn't perfect and there are no guarantees. My wizard is a lvl 46 fire wizard. Sure, I fizzle sometimes and it can be frustrating, but that's the game. Fair? Absolutely, these are the rules of the game. The accuracy rates are well known and published on every spell. The only way it would be unfair if they DIDN'T tell you what the accuracy rate was for each spell. If you are that concerned about fizzles, spin up a new life wizard, you'll be happier.
There was one comment about training to improve your fizzle rate? Well, you can, in a sense. Wear gear that increases your accuracy. Yes, there probably will be a tradeoff between accuracy, damage, resistance, health, and mana. But if accuracy is that important to you, you can improve it. What would be the point of the game if you had the all powerful, high health, no fizzle, high damage wizard that would draw exactly the card they wanted every time and could kill everything in one spell? Might as well just promote yourself to grandmaster on day 1 and save yourself the time.
Part of the challenge/strategy of this game is making those choices. What gear to I wear? What do I put in my deck? Do I cast this spell now even if it might fizzle or do I cast a 100% accurate shield now since there's a trap on me.
I think W101 has given us all the tools to enjoy, be challenged by, and be successful in this game. Don't like your school, create a new wizard -- you have have six of them. Didn't like your secondary school choice? buy back your training points.
its not fair that we suffer with health as well as accuracym u need crowns to buy them back duh and i love fire its just that it fizzles many times :?