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Plant harvesting slowed down at Red Barn?

Apr 19, 2012
I used to final harvest my couch potatoes every third day after planting them. The first planting after the double rewards, I noticed it was taking much much longer for my plants to reach final harvest. Has the growing time for the plants been slowed down? I still have my plant boosts in place - the tropical gnomes and sandwich stations, but I am keeping track by calendar and at day three, I have barely had a first harvest on any of my potatoes :(

Anyone else notice that the plants seem to be growing much slower now?

Apr 19, 2012
Without any of my plants having gone small on me during their planting, for some odd reason I have four of my potatoes come up for final harvest 8 days after planting and the other twelve plants came up for final harvest on the 10th day after planting...

So, pretty much it took 10 days from planting to final harvest of my potatoes, even with sandwich stations, tropical gnomes and the red barn farm for added likes. Far longer than it ever did in the past.

I am really curious on why growth and harvest has slowed down so much since we had the double the planting rewards?

Oct 18, 2009
I noticed this too, at first I thought it was because i had forgotten to plant one of the liked plants back down but even after i placed it(had only been a day and a bit there were still four other likes around) then it still took about three days longer than it should have for my king parsleys to reach elder ,as if farming amber wasnt tedious enough.

Sep 09, 2009
YES! I noticed that this week as well. It's taken me a week where it used to take 3 days.

Sep 17, 2012
Did you visit them regularly? If you don't visit and take care of needs after each stage, they will sit on 0 progression of that stage until you visit and have needs.

Jul 12, 2009
I've noticed that my plants are taking a lot longer to get to elder than they use to. Some have even wilted on me early. I've been taking care of them 2 to 3 times a day while the "Double Rewards for Members" is going on until the 30th of April to making sure all their needs were met and to get as much out of them as I could. I've got all my plants likes, and some still wilt on me. I was mad when all my Couch Potatoes wilted only a few hours from becoming elder yesterday! And tonight, I had several Red Bell Peppers wilt just hours from turning elder also. And at 10 am this morning, 3 of my King Parsley's had 8 1/2 to 10 hours left until they could be harvested at elder. When I looked again at 10:20 pm they had about the same amount of time left. What's up with that? I am very unhappy about this. Something is defiantly wrong here.

Sep 17, 2012
The Reaper on May 1, 2015 wrote:
I've noticed that my plants are taking a lot longer to get to elder than they use to. Some have even wilted on me early. I've been taking care of them 2 to 3 times a day while the "Double Rewards for Members" is going on until the 30th of April to making sure all their needs were met and to get as much out of them as I could. I've got all my plants likes, and some still wilt on me. I was mad when all my Couch Potatoes wilted only a few hours from becoming elder yesterday! And tonight, I had several Red Bell Peppers wilt just hours from turning elder also. And at 10 am this morning, 3 of my King Parsley's had 8 1/2 to 10 hours left until they could be harvested at elder. When I looked again at 10:20 pm they had about the same amount of time left. What's up with that? I am very unhappy about this. Something is defiantly wrong here.
Plants only wilt when left with needs. Once you take care of all needs, you need to NOT visit your house. It's not possible for plants to wilt or die unless you visit your house and don't clear needs.