i am so glad i am in zafaria now. Celestia was harder than zafaria with the bosses that are close to impossable by yourself, so many dungeons, and it is just really long. i just got in zafaria and it is way easier than Celestia and you get more experience. and i thought the worlds were suppose to get harder as they go on... so what i am trying to say is if you are stuck on celestia (like i was for about a year) it gets easier.
Ikr! Celestia was not very fun for me.......I didn't even know what I was doing half the time. I soloed most of ZF . Avalon does get a little bit harder but don't give up! I should be more like ZF, CL, then AV.
I never found Celestia to be THAT hard. I solod 2 wizards thru it till the very end; a fire and death. Sure, there's some long quests/dungeons, but they're doable. What's been working for me so far, especially with my death wizard, is to carry a minimized deck. Now, I'll admit that death has an advantage in that half of their attack spells also heal, but what I'm finding works for me is:
4: Monstrous, Deathblade, Reshuffle, Spirit Blade, Super Torment (wand spell), Death Prisms (as needed) 2: Scarecrow and Wraith 1: Deathblade (from amulet) and Ominous Scarecrow (from my scarecrow pet)
That's it and it has worked extremely well for me. The only time I've died, or come close to it, is when I have a fight when I fizzle a lot. I can't say if this will continue to work throughout Zafaria and into Avalon, but I'm hopeful
Just started Zafaria a couple days ago, and I LOVE it so far. Celestia I found kinda hard, and COLLECTING was a big pain. I am now currently in Zamunda, and it is quite enjoyable. I hear that is gets harder in Drum Jungle, however, so time for the preparation
hmm i don't think so i am a wizard and it was pretty easy for me i am now finished with azteca azteca was the most hardest for me.
lol I saw this post that I mad a long time ago and I was like, wow I am lvl 90 and back then I was lvl 66! lol. but anyway Azteca wasn't that hard for me. Avalon was pretty hard though.
Ikr! Celestia was not very fun for me.......I didn't even know what I was doing half the time. I soloed most of ZF . Avalon does get a little bit harder but don't give up! I should be more like ZF, CL, then AV.
Angela D
im a wizard celestia was confusing too and i don't understand if is ice or not please rep-lie and tell me a cheat to get to level 90. david goast mask
I found Zafaria a bit easier than Celestia too. I think the reason Celestia is so challenging for many players is because of the massive difficulty spike from Dragonspyre to Celestia, as opposed to the one from Celestia to Zafaria. By Zafaria, I became accustomed to mobs with 1,500 to 2,500 Health becoming the norm. Don't worry though, the world are still getting challenging. I'm currently in Avalon, and it's a challenging world, but it's a fair challenge. Totally soloable for the most part, but they throw all sorts of different enemies at you that force you to try out new strategies. It's awesome! And I've heard Azteca is even tougher