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Housing Items Removed

Feb 27, 2009
I noticed that Jihane Whitetusk didn't have some of the housing items she did in test realm. Things like:

Elephant Tower

Rhino Relics

Savanah Throne

and possibly more were removed before the new update went to the real realm. Why were these items removed? Is it because there Grub Guardian drops or something? Please respond.

Marcus Suncrafter, lvl 74

Hello Marcus,

The intent of this vendor was to introduce items we had created for the game that were not available elsewhere. Since these particular items were available in other ways, Jihane Whitetusk removed them from her inventory. Please keep in mind that sometimes things that you see on the test realm will not end up in the live game.

Thanks for your question.

Jul 26, 2011
Since the items were on Grub Guardian, the items should have stayed with Jihane Abletusk and new items could be introduced to the Grub Guardian that are Pet themed or something. Mostly all of the cool furniture items that were available to her were taken away but it's Kingsisle's call I guess. I really would have loved to put some Shadow Weaver Statues and Spider Furniture into my house though