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poseidon earth shaker

Jul 13, 2013
Hello I am a grand master balance person making my way to level 60 and can't wait to get to Atlantea and do some serious farming!
But I have a question: does Poseidon Earth Shaker work like Zeus? What I mean is if you defeat him to you automatically get clothes that are from your school?
It is easy to get what you want from Zeus because he only drops equipment from your school. But is it like this with the final boss of Atlantea?
This is very important to me because you don't see that many balance monsters in the spiral so it is very hard to get balance drops, whereas with schools like storm, there seem to be storm monsters every where.
Thanks, Myrna Dragoncloud, Grandmaster
"The Purifier"

Oct 22, 2012
I don't think he has any balance gear except the senator stuff. But you can check here. Probably best just go for waterworks gear.


Sep 19, 2013
1. Atlantea opens up at level 70, not 60, so you will have a ways to go. The Waterworks gear is generally better.
2. Yes, the Aquila bosses only drop your school gear. Senator's gear and Ares spears can drop for any school though.
3. Balance gear drops are not restricted to Balance monsters.