So I've recently started ' actually ' farming for the Gladiator ring and the Cronus blade. But I've only gotten to 3 fights each in this past week. Since finding a well solid group that's skilled and mature enough is hard. I usually go in with people who don't know what they're doing or canned chat, and i'm life so I get stuck with healing so i can't do much of attacking when I have two guys with no resist or block whatsoever being targeted If anyone is interested in farming with me in for the ring, blade or even the hades gear comment on a meet date... ~ Madeline Sprite. lvl 90
I'm always up for farming Actually got lucky today and did the Gladiator with two different groups. First time I got the something and the wand. Second time I got the robes and the Sword and Shield pet. I'll be on say tomorrow (Tuesday) at 3pm Eastern Time on Vampire realm. Bailey Lionshade 82 Oh, and I don't mind playing as support and heal since I have pretty high in/out heal lol. Hope to see you on the Spiral