Can someone please, please, please help me with the Trial of Spheres? I just tried it and my friends could not teleport to me. I hate celestia and I would like to get out of it. My wizard is a level 64 diviner. His name is Nicholas. I will be found on the stormzilla realm. Thank you so much! Please help!
Can someone please, please, please help me with the Trial of Spheres? I just tried it and my friends could not teleport to me. I hate celestia and I would like to get out of it. My wizard is a level 64 diviner. His name is Nicholas. I will be found on the stormzilla realm. Thank you so much! Please help!
Have you tried posting on any of the fansites for help? Here is one link in case you are interested:
If you want I can help you. I will be on probably later tomorrow (Friday) afternoon/evening. My wizard is Bailey Lionshade. or we can set up a time on Saturday to meet since these posts aren't automatic. Just let me know and I can keep an eye out for you in the Spiral