im in Azteca lvl 85 and my name is Antonio duskblade im a storm wizard and I cant find my main quest plz help the only quest I have is count of days and 2 others that I just got a side quests
im in Azteca lvl 85 and my name is Antonio duskblade im a storm wizard and I cant find my main quest plz help the only quest I have is count of days and 2 others that I just got a side quests
talk to the support they can help you if you lost it also try in your spell book click on the find quest near my thing
Next time - Specify your exact location in Azteca Include details about the last main quest you recall completing.
Try to include as many details as possible so that we can better able to assist you. What you just provided is terribly vague.
However, what I can suggest is this:
Use your Quest Finder and accept all the quest until you eventually stumble on your main quest. As you're aware, it'll be highlighted with two golden stars.
Just that this technique will fill your quest book of unnecessary quest but it can work.
Contact KI directly detailing the situation. They should be able to get you back on the right track.