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Lower your prices on your items in crown shop

Oct 29, 2010
this is so wrong wizard 101 , they should lower their crown purchase items down, that is just ridiculous , because your earned videos don't work only once in a blue moon, and you mini games ya you can earn but takes for ever to earn so many purches them with prepaid cards so they can buy your items in the shop, lower them it wont hurt that even helps new players and those who been dedicated to you purchasing memberships crowns bundle packs, I think you owe us a break and lower your crown prices then more then your half you give it should be like istead of 399 you lower it down to 100, it don't cost you nothing cause you already own the game and you are making enough on people purchasing stuff so we can keep playing I been on wiz for 10 years nows, and I think we deserve a break in purchasing stuff with our crowns we paid for or earned ,.. thank you have a great day and may you be blessed

Aug 03, 2014
germany67 on Oct 5, 2018 wrote:
this is so wrong wizard 101 , they should lower their crown purchase items down, that is just ridiculous , because your earned videos don't work only once in a blue moon, and you mini games ya you can earn but takes for ever to earn so many purches them with prepaid cards so they can buy your items in the shop, lower them it wont hurt that even helps new players and those who been dedicated to you purchasing memberships crowns bundle packs, I think you owe us a break and lower your crown prices then more then your half you give it should be like istead of 399 you lower it down to 100, it don't cost you nothing cause you already own the game and you are making enough on people purchasing stuff so we can keep playing I been on wiz for 10 years nows, and I think we deserve a break in purchasing stuff with our crowns we paid for or earned ,.. thank you have a great day and may you be blessed
I'm not sure I can think of anything irl that costs the same now as it did 10 years ago...I think we're getting a pretty good deal

The KI team still need to be paid, need to be able to afford to live and need to paid well enough that comparative jobs are not going to tempt them away from staying with the KI family. The cost of employing someone must have increased quite significantly over the last 10 years...the money needs to come from somewhere!