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Your Questions and Tips for October 2020 KI Live

Dec 09, 2008
Wizards! We have another special KI Live!

Post your KI Live questions here if you want a chance to have them featured on the show. ONE question and/or tip PER PLAYER please.

Keep in mind that we literally receive hundreds of submissions and only a handful are able to be answered. We will do our best to prioritize. If we see any spamming of questions or tips, we will automatically discount your submissions.

Please designate in your post whether it is a [Question] or [Tip].

KI Live is set for October 29 at 4pm CT at: www.twitch.tv/kingsisleentertainment!

Sep 01, 2009
Question: Will there be any new school spells available when Karamelle goes live?

Tip: Are you low on mega snacks and reagents? Need some TCs? Use a gardening elixir! Each elixir gives you double gardening experience, double treasure cards, double reagents and gold, and double mega snacks!

Jul 26, 2012
[Question] Are there any plans to improve or re-work polymorphs in the future? The Moon school really fell by the wayside after the 2nd arc.

Apr 18, 2013
Wizards should always offer as many pets they can on each character; even if you think no one will want to hatch with it, someone else might find it cute enough to hatch with. And even if it gets no hatch, you'll still earn yourself those consolation peppers!

Can you share with us some Halloween costumes you wore as a kid?

Jan 18, 2010

Have a very unique tip here. It's more catered towards higher level players anticipating the new world such as myself.
Be sure whenever you begin questing within a new world, you may want to be on your guard for bosses that may cheat. Do this by bringing a few Aegis (for blades), indemnity for traps (especially feints) or even bubbles for a quick change.


What was your best aspect/part of preparing Karamelle?

Jun 22, 2020
by any chance can i expect for you to make a shared spellbook

May 06, 2013
Halloween question: What is the most freaky looking creature making the most frightening sound you,ve encountered in the spiral?

Dec 20, 2008
Question: Are there any plans for updating the Teams Helped badges from the Team Up Kiosk? In order to gain Teams Helped for the badges, wizards just help out in Wizard City and Krokoptopia. However, a lot of wizards in later worlds, especially the 3rd arc, struggle to find fellow wizards to help out.