As many of you know, the above talent is often given to a Pet and I do have a few Pets that have it. Unfortunately, in most cases it is useless. Either it triggers a sword from a different school than mine and a shield that is also useless. I would really like to see for everyone's benefit this May Cast Sword and Shield be the same for everyone.
How about a Balance Blade and a Tower Shield as a standard for everyone????? Not a wasted talent and one that all Wizards can enjoy.
As many of you know, the above talent is often given to a Pet and I do have a few Pets that have it. Unfortunately, in most cases it is useless. Either it triggers a sword from a different school than mine and a shield that is also useless. I would really like to see for everyone's benefit this May Cast Sword and Shield be the same for everyone.
How about a Balance Blade and a Tower Shield as a standard for everyone????? Not a wasted talent and one that all Wizards can enjoy.
All waiting for release of the next chapter.
I don't see them ever making the sword and shield may cast just cast a tower and balance blade as that would be far too overpowered for a single talent. Honestly, the pet talent is all about luck and complete randomness and you will eventually get a relevant blade/shield.
I have a balance wizard, with a pet with this talent, and I kind of like it. I have the ability to use all of the blades it casts. If you have mastery for another school, it can be nice to have one of their blades show up. Sometimes those shields are just what I needed, and it does sometimes cast the tower and balance blade. I like the random factor it gives. Sometimes a shield it casts, I wouldn't have, yet the enemy throws an unexpected spell that is not from it's school. If you are doing a lot of pvp, maybe that's why the uncertainty is a pain. Nothing says that there couldn't be a different talent added, which would be a balance blade and tower cast, like you want.
As many of you know, the above talent is often given to a Pet and I do have a few Pets that have it. Unfortunately, in most cases it is useless. Either it triggers a sword from a different school than mine and a shield that is also useless. I would really like to see for everyone's benefit this May Cast Sword and Shield be the same for everyone.
How about a Balance Blade and a Tower Shield as a standard for everyone????? Not a wasted talent and one that all Wizards can enjoy.
All waiting for release of the next chapter.
I agree, this talent as it is really is a waste of a talent slot. It would be excellent if KI changed it as you've suggested - balance blade / tower shield. It's currently a talent I hatch out of pools but if it was changed it could become a much desired talent, especially at lower levels or for PvP perhaps.
I understand why you would want Balanceblades as standard May Casts, but some wizards are able to find a use for disambiguous may cast blades and shields. Try breeding another pet with the May casts you’re looking for?