I have a 2nd generation decade piggle that I have been trying to improve and clean the first generation talents off of since I bought my 1st generation. Unfortunately, most of the time I use the pet kiosk I don't get my piggle back and I have wasted so much gold it is insane. :(
If anyone has another decade piggle with the talents I am looking for, I would be ever so grateful if you could hatch with me a few times to completely clear off the old talents. Right now the stun resist and bulwark seem to be the stickiest talents. I usually hang out at the hatchery in Ambrose realm but can meet in any.
Currently he has:
Stun Recalcitrant Spell Proof Green Thumb Cycle of Life
I am looking for these talents:
Green Thumb Cycle of Life Medic Guiding Light or Healer
Healing Current, Pet Rescue or Fairy
Destiny Lotusblossom
Thank you so much for anyone that could help me. :)