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Skeletal Knight Hybrid?

Aug 06, 2009

A friend and I were hatching pets and may have come across a hybrid or at least the hatching result was quite unexpected. My friend wanted my Skeletal Rogue pet and used his Enchanted Armament. He thought that he had gotten it, but when he equipped the pet, he found it to be a completely different pet. This made us wonder if it was possibly a hybrid or a new update to the Skeletal Rogue with it not being to hatch its own kind anymore. We were unable to find any information on the subject. I contacted support to verify this information just to get a generic reply on how hatching works even though I am a Promethean Pet Collector. I found that kind of funny actually. But to find out for sure that it was a possible hybrid and not a change to the Skeletal Rogue, I hatched him again with my Fun Guy to get my Rogue back, which I did verifying he is still hatchable. Since there is no information on the Skeletal Rogue & Enchanted Armament making a Skeletal Knight, I was wondering if this has this ever happened to anyone else? Perhaps the information on Skeletal Knight/Skeletal Rogue should be updated showing that there is a hybrid.

Destiny Lotusblossom