I notice that my original account been taken from me, I would like it back, I sorry that I mess things up I been looking for my account that been stolen for a week and there a link that I found my writing to that account, I feel this is horrible and strong lee want my account put back my wizard and my stuff, when I was talking to the wizard who took my account I notice my other accounts got temp with I am the rightful owner to sparkleBloom202 account the person who took my death wizard account, and my value pedigrees my bone dragons my suit this very bad, very bad lot for that account and I would like it back, it very bad to take from someone, and Its wrong, to take file that the person did pay for it. its not good for anyone to lose what have, and I am the rightful owner that account. team please help me get back my wizard, I don't care if got banded, I need it back from the start, where I left off to I would. wish it back. this game means a lot, and cost a lot. for it, please help team help, please.