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Leveling up pets faster.

Nov 21, 2012
Hello user of the forums! This is my first post but I was wondering, is there a way to level up my pets faster WITHOUT using the mega snack pack. I just don't have the money to waste on crowns right now. I know about being close to a level to refill energy and rank 6 snacks in Dragonspire but is there a less painful way? And no, i'm not paying someone to do it for me. So, is there any better way, or is it the painful task? (I also know that this topic has been talked about to death, please don't mention it.)

red is the best on Jan 4, 2020 wrote:
Hello user of the forums! This is my first post but I was wondering, is there a way to level up my pets faster WITHOUT using the mega snack pack. I just don't have the money to waste on crowns right now. I know about being close to a level to refill energy and rank 6 snacks in Dragonspire but is there a less painful way? And no, i'm not paying someone to do it for me. So, is there any better way, or is it the painful task? (I also know that this topic has been talked about to death, please don't mention it.)
Welcome to the forums!

Jan 18, 2010
Welcome To The Message Boards!

Pet Training as you highlighted can be tedious, however, there are a few ways and opportunities you can explore to make the process easier.

Take Advantage of Double Pet XP Weekends - Occasionally, the game will host benefits geared towards its members. One such benefit is Double Pet XP. You can use these days (usually starts on Fridays and ends Monday Morning) to train and feed your pet. They will receive double the experience from the games you play and the snacks you feed them.

Garden - Garden plants such as Couch Potatoes and Evil Magma Peas for steady supplies of Mega Pack Snacks instead of wasting crowns on the actual snack pack itself.
Seeds such as Prickly Bear Cactuses also drop relatively good snacks you can consider using while your pet is within the earlier stages of growing (baby, teen, adult).

Utilize Mega Snacks Wisely - If you don't have a large abundance of snacks available to you right away, especially Megas, then try using the lower ranking snacks, Rank 4 and above to raise your pets during the earlier stages. Save the Megas for later once it gets to Ancient and older.

Mar 09, 2018
red is the best on Jan 4, 2020 wrote:
Hello user of the forums! This is my first post but I was wondering, is there a way to level up my pets faster WITHOUT using the mega snack pack. I just don't have the money to waste on crowns right now. I know about being close to a level to refill energy and rank 6 snacks in Dragonspire but is there a less painful way? And no, i'm not paying someone to do it for me. So, is there any better way, or is it the painful task? (I also know that this topic has been talked about to death, please don't mention it.)
Gardening, namely Couch Potatoes & Evil Magma Peas, gives a mega snack 100% of the time at elder. If you get enough CPs & EMPs then you can efficiently train pets.

Mar 19, 2011
As others have said, farm couch potatoes and evil magma peas. The peas are a lot harder to find, but the (Death) Ghultures in Mirage are a good source.

I have taken to simply having couch potatoes growing all the time "just in case" I decide to make a new pet.