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How to use Talent Tokens

May 24, 2008
How do we use the Talent Token reagents we get now when training our pets?

Nov 23, 2011
Same question. And where do they go once we have earned them? I was told I had some, and cannot find them anywhere.


Nov 23, 2008
I don't know about you all, but some of us are missing talent tokens that should have been given out. As for he tokens why so much work has to go into unlocking these talents? This is insane. As for the talents of Will cast, the cards for the pets are useless to higher level wizards. Now put in shadow spells and I'll rethink participating in it.
Give us something that is worth all the work. Thank you!

May 24, 2008
Spent some time training up a pet with a locked talent this weekend.

The spells appear in the talent list in the kiosk. Combat spells (those that the pets will cast) have the word "trained" at the end. For example, "Frozen Kraken Trained". You need to get the talent into your bloodline pool (as you do any other talent). Once the spell manifests, you can click on the LOCK at the left side of the spell. This brings up a window that shows what Talent Tokens are required to unlock the spell.

The Talent Tokens are listed with the rest of your reagents. There are several different types so just look for the "token" at the end of the name (i.e., Elemental Token).

The basic spells that come on the new started pets (such as Ice Assistant) do not require the Tokens. Once you get them in your hatching pool, they have the chance to manifest like any other spell.

Jun 19, 2010
TinkerBlue on May 10, 2020 wrote:
Spent some time training up a pet with a locked talent this weekend.

The spells appear in the talent list in the kiosk. Combat spells (those that the pets will cast) have the word "trained" at the end. For example, "Frozen Kraken Trained". You need to get the talent into your bloodline pool (as you do any other talent). Once the spell manifests, you can click on the LOCK at the left side of the spell. This brings up a window that shows what Talent Tokens are required to unlock the spell.

The Talent Tokens are listed with the rest of your reagents. There are several different types so just look for the "token" at the end of the name (i.e., Elemental Token).

The basic spells that come on the new started pets (such as Ice Assistant) do not require the Tokens. Once you get them in your hatching pool, they have the chance to manifest like any other spell.
I too was wondering just what these tokens were for and how to use them. I am not sure if I really understand it yet. But from TinkerBlue's post, it appears you have to have the May-Cast as a talent - then you need to activate it with tokens? Is this an extra talent a pet can obtain, or one of the five allotted talents? What about all my pets that already have multiple may-cast heals? Do I now need to have tokens to get them to do what they did quite well without tokens before this new pet token thing?

Is this only applied to only new pets? or all pets? I sincerely hope it is only new pets that will require tokens.

I will be very upset if a pet that I literally spent over a year in multiple hatching combinations to manifest the talents I wanted now will now not cast those items that took me a lot of time playing pet games, pet snacks, gardening for the snacks, and crowns to buy the plants and sometimes energy, to get my pet elevated to where it is today.

Wizard, please expand on the instructions on just what the token /pet talent is all about. I read the brief description in the Spring Update and the even briefer instructions on the help page for pets in the game. I am sooooo confused.

Remember none of us players were present in the conference room when all you employees discussed this new pet change. I feel the individual that wrote the instructions failed to consider that we are all new to the concept and don't understand the fine points that the programmers and other employees understood from discussions during the planning phase of this pet token change/update.

Feb 14, 2015
Instead of talent tokens, I would have liked to see the ability to add another jewel to the pet or be able to purchase a jewel slot for the pet. We seem to be able to purchase expanded backpack, houses, a seventh character, why not a jewel slot for a pet.

Community Leader
Rowantimes6 on May 11, 2020 wrote:
I too was wondering just what these tokens were for and how to use them. I am not sure if I really understand it yet. But from TinkerBlue's post, it appears you have to have the May-Cast as a talent - then you need to activate it with tokens? Is this an extra talent a pet can obtain, or one of the five allotted talents? What about all my pets that already have multiple may-cast heals? Do I now need to have tokens to get them to do what they did quite well without tokens before this new pet token thing?

Is this only applied to only new pets? or all pets? I sincerely hope it is only new pets that will require tokens.

I will be very upset if a pet that I literally spent over a year in multiple hatching combinations to manifest the talents I wanted now will now not cast those items that took me a lot of time playing pet games, pet snacks, gardening for the snacks, and crowns to buy the plants and sometimes energy, to get my pet elevated to where it is today.

Wizard, please expand on the instructions on just what the token /pet talent is all about. I read the brief description in the Spring Update and the even briefer instructions on the help page for pets in the game. I am sooooo confused.

Remember none of us players were present in the conference room when all you employees discussed this new pet change. I feel the individual that wrote the instructions failed to consider that we are all new to the concept and don't understand the fine points that the programmers and other employees understood from discussions during the planning phase of this pet token change/update.
To answer all of your questions...

"it appears you have to have the May-Cast as a talent - then you need to activate it with tokens?"
Yes and no. It is a will cast and does NOT effect maycasts. You need to unlock / activate it with talent tokens.

"Is this an extra talent a pet can obtain, or one of the five allotted talents?"
It is one of the five allotted talents. Thus, it won't change / harm any of your existing pets.

"What about all my pets that already have multiple may-cast heals? Do I now need to have tokens to get them to do what they did quite well without tokens before this new pet token thing?"
They are safe. Maycasts and willcasts are similar, but unrelated. No change will occur to your may-cast pets. You only need to use pet tokens to unlock new talents (introduced with the Spring 2020 update).

"Is this only applied to only new pets? or all pets?"
This applies to all pets. If you get any of these new talents on previously existing pets (by means of hatching) then they need to be unlocked.

Some noteworthy points:
- Once you unlock a talent, it will remain unlocked on every pet on the same wizard. If you hatch with another wizard or transfer the pet to another of your wizards, you / they will need to unlock it again. But, for that wizard, the talent will remain unlocked.
- A pet can only have one adventure and one combat (will-cast) talent. It is not possible to have multiples on the same pet.

For additional information about this topic, there are lots and lots of community resources covering them including Final Bastion:
- Adventure & Combat (will-casts) Talents
- Pet Talent Tokens

Writer and Admin at Final Bastion

Check us out for all things Pirate101 and Wizard101 PvE/PvP

Nov 01, 2013
- remain unlocked on every pet on the same wizard. If you hatch with another wizard or transfer the pet to another of your wizards, you / they will need to unlock it again. But, for that wizard, the talent will remain unlocked.

Also, I have a pet that I unlocked the talent balance scout, then hatched with myself on the same wizard, but the new hatch manifested the talent but the talent was was locked. How is it to remain unlocked then?
Should I contact KI support about this?
(I posted elsewhere about this on the forums, but haven’t gotten any responses.)

A pet can only have one adventure and one combat (will-cast) talent. It is not possible to have multiples on the same pet.

Can you explain how they only can have one adventure & one combat talent?
Specifically, what happens if you try to hatch pets with 2 different adventure or 2 different combat talents?
Does one of the talents just not transfer?

I understand the basics like how to hatch, unlock and, for the most part, use these new talents. I have searched and read all I can find, but still have questions.
It would be helpful, like a previous post here said, if KI could send more detailed instructions.

How do we get some of the reagents to unlock some of the talents?
I.e. I have a pet with Ice Seed Farmer adventure talent, but cannot unlock bc idk how to obtain Ice Seed Farmer or Ice Token Reagents

It seems like they put this in game without all the mechanics in place or explaining much beyond how to play as your pet, a basic how-to on uszing them in combat/adventuring, or that these new talents were available to hatch into.

They didn’t even explain how players with only high level (over level 48) wizards, who already have done our pet quests, could obtain the pets with the new talents (outside of starting an entirely new wizard or hatching with one in the kiosk).
I personally have all my character slots filled, and am not willing to delete any (or pay tons of crowns for a 7th character) just to get the new pets. We should all have the ability to get these new “school” pets in game like everyone else.

There is also an issue using the kiosk Search Talent feature. It doesn’t always find pets with the talent/s, even when there are pets in the kiosk with the talent/s.
Many times I have used the search talent feature just to search for 1 talent, and get a pop-up box that says “There are no pets that match the search and that are available for hatching...”
But then I find one or more if I look through individual pet types, which kind of defeats the purpose of having the Talent Search feature. This needs to be fixed.

It seems KI still has much to do regarding the new pet talent stuff. I am looking forward to when they add more features we can utilize with our pet, but really wish they hadn’t added this yet w/o more complete information available.

Community Leader
Grace Winterstone on Jul 1, 2020 wrote:
- remain unlocked on every pet on the same wizard. If you hatch with another wizard or transfer the pet to another of your wizards, you / they will need to unlock it again. But, for that wizard, the talent will remain unlocked.

Also, I have a pet that I unlocked the talent balance scout, then hatched with myself on the same wizard, but the new hatch manifested the talent but the talent was was locked. How is it to remain unlocked then?
Should I contact KI support about this?
(I posted elsewhere about this on the forums, but haven’t gotten any responses.)

A pet can only have one adventure and one combat (will-cast) talent. It is not possible to have multiples on the same pet.

Can you explain how they only can have one adventure & one combat talent?
Specifically, what happens if you try to hatch pets with 2 different adventure or 2 different combat talents?
Does one of the talents just not transfer?

I understand the basics like how to hatch, unlock and, for the most part, use these new talents. I have searched and read all I can find, but still have questions.
It would be helpful, like a previous post here said, if KI could send more detailed instructions.

How do we get some of the reagents to unlock some of the talents?
I.e. I have a pet with Ice Seed Farmer adventure talent, but cannot unlock bc idk how to obtain Ice Seed Farmer or Ice Token Reagents

It seems like they put this in game without all the mechanics in place or explaining much beyond how to play as your pet, a basic how-to on uszing them in combat/adventuring, or that these new talents were available to hatch into.

They didn’t even explain how players with only high level (over level 48) wizards, who already have done our pet quests, could obtain the pets with the new talents (outside of starting an entirely new wizard or hatching with one in the kiosk).
I personally have all my character slots filled, and am not willing to delete any (or pay tons of crowns for a 7th character) just to get the new pets. We should all have the ability to get these new “school” pets in game like everyone else.

There is also an issue using the kiosk Search Talent feature. It doesn’t always find pets with the talent/s, even when there are pets in the kiosk with the talent/s.
Many times I have used the search talent feature just to search for 1 talent, and get a pop-up box that says “There are no pets that match the search and that are available for hatching...”
But then I find one or more if I look through individual pet types, which kind of defeats the purpose of having the Talent Search feature. This needs to be fixed.

It seems KI still has much to do regarding the new pet talent stuff. I am looking forward to when they add more features we can utilize with our pet, but really wish they hadn’t added this yet w/o more complete information available.
If you encounter any issues, I suggest submitting a bug report. I recall in the update notes a statement saying that talents will always be unlocked on a wizard that unlocks it. Might want to add what you mentioned for the kiosk feature or at least mention them in the Halston's Laboratory section.

I haven't tested enough pets to know how the one limit per pet works. These are things we need to figure out ourselves. It is part of the game. When there is a cheating boss, they don't put up a guide for it ;)

Best we can do is rally together and spread all the info we discover.

"They didn’t even explain how players with only high level (over level 48) wizards, who already have done our pet quests, could obtain the pets with the new talents" - you need to hatch with those pets. No big deal there. That is how I got most of the talents myself. There are also a lot of those new talents on pets from the Deckathalon, Beastmoon Hunt and Crown Shop pets.

Writer and Admin at Final Bastion

Check us out for all things Pirate101 and Wizard101 PvE/PvP

Apr 18, 2013
Here's the link to the Spring Update Notes:

And here is some info from that page:
Locked Talents – Some of these new talents appear on your pet in a “locked” state. In order to unlock these talents for use, you will need to collect new Pet Reagents (denoted in your reagents tab with a fancy pet collar). Pet Reagents are granted automatically each time you level up a pet (at Ancient and above). They can also come from progress bars during events like the Pet Promenade (see below), the Scroll of Fortune, and from Packs.

Once your Wizard unlocks a particular talent on a pet, that Wizard can then hatch with that pet and if the talent is included it has a chance to get passed down to the hatched pet in an unlocked state. Other Wizards will have to collect reagents and unlock the talent for themselves, they do not transfer between characters!

Some tips:

- I was just informed more useful info about the Happiness. Training your pet to Ultra increases the Happiness Bar.
- In the hatchmaking kiosk, type the word 'TRAINED' to find all willcast talents.
- Ya just need to type 'KR' to search for Frozen Kraken.

I am still very confused by this new method of acceptable cheating. If anyone else has any more tips, it'd be much obliged. Like for instance, is it every 3 rounds guaranteed to cast or is each talent a different set of rounds? And, is it on a timer too? Obviously people used this last deckathalon event, thus the outrageously higher scores on top 5 or so. So if I use the trained talent on the very first floor, I mean, is there a formula to getting the most out of this? If we use it on stage 1 floor 1, can we use it again for floor 2 and just keep on using the same willcast for every single floor and stage? I also see a willcast Triage and will that be good if it casts every 3 rounds when we'd might need it the instant we need it? A maycast Triage might be better since it has the chance to cast when needed, which might be more often, or is that being reduced in how often it'll cast?

Mar 10, 2012
As if going through all the trouble of gardening for months for the snacks (without double seeds), training a pet to adult and using all our gold hatching with another pet multiple times to get talents wasn't enough, they are now locked when we finally do get there, seems like a step backwards KI, why make things more difficult for the players, what are the pre-requisites for a good idea? Keep the players in game longer and/or spending more money? There is only so far a player can be pushed before leaving for good for something better.

Apr 18, 2013
I found out the hard way that an Ultra pet does not raise the Happiness bar.

There sure are a lot of conspiracies involving all the new pet features.

To the KI employees:
Please shed some light on all there is to know about talent tokens, willcasts, unlocked talents, cast rates, and everything in between, on the upcoming KI Live show.

How do we get tokens? What packs have tokens? Will tokens become craftable? Is it wise to unlock a willcast the moment we get it because there is a chance its offspring will get it too or should we wait 'til we get the pet we want?
Is there a definitive way to increase a maycast talent cast rate? And what is the purpose of training a pet to Ultra?