I never really understood the purpose of Azteca. All I get is that we come here to stop Morganthe from destroying Xibalba and that we ultimately fail. Can someone please explain the rest of the storyline? I really enjoy most of the storylines in Wizard101!!
I never really understood the purpose of Azteca. All I get is that we come here to stop Morganthe from destroying Xibalba and that we ultimately fail. Can someone please explain the rest of the storyline? I really enjoy most of the storylines in Wizard101!!
You get called to Azteca in a desperate plea for help from several Aztecan creatures in an attempt to drive off the Shadow and stop the comet Xibalba from crashing into the world. There, you see the Hungry Dead have risen, and that Morganthe is planning to investigate all 4 Aztecan step pyramids. You also see Morganthe with a mysterious Dark Servant around her, although it is unknown what his purpose is until the very end.
It is revealed early on in the world that the magic used for the Dark Servant's resurrection by the Dark Moon Priestesses was so powerful, that it rippled all throughout Azteca, which caused every dead Aztecasaur to come back as a zombie. Hence why Azteca is filled with the Hungry Dead.
It is also revealed throughout the world that the ancient Lords of Night first heard Bartleby sing the Song of Creation, which wove the broken fragments of the Firstworld into The Spiral. (Bartleby basically has an all-powerful song that allows him to do/create whatever he wants, and the Lords of Night heard him). Now millennia later, the Lords of Night are dead, but Morganthe is not a good enough Death Wizard to summon them. So therefore, she forced the Dark Moon Priestesses to resurrect Malistaire, who is powerful enough to summon the Lords of Night, to help her. They then traverse through all 4 step pyramids to kidnap the Lord of Nights that were buried in there.
Morganthe eventually finds Huracan in the Pyramid of the Falling Star, who uses magic to create a portal to Xibalba. Hence the horn that calls in the Grand Prophecy. Once on Xibalba, Morganthe uses the Astral magic she stole from Celestia to force the comet to crash into Azteca, and she then teleports away with the Lords of Night back to her Shadow Palace in Khrysalis. Another reason Morganthe wanted the comet to fall was so the line, "the skies will fall", in the Grand Prophecy could be completed.
In Khrysalis, Morganthe ends up torturing the Lords of Night to teach her the Song of Creation.