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Very Confused on Hatching

Jun 27, 2018
Hi! I'm not exactly a new player though its hard for me to get a grip on the hatching/pet mechanic.

So Far i understand that when hatching you can get either the same body pet you have or the body of the other persons pet though it tends to make your own and you have to keep at it and hatch a couple handfuls of pets to get the other persons.
And how you will get a mix of stats and talents from both pets used.

I currently have a Brown Spider as my only life pet and i am trying for a Noble Kookaburra with a few May Cast Healing/Support spells as I'm using a Life with a Balance Mastery necklace who mostly has to Solo.

I really don't want to wait till im in the 100's just for a pet though i understand i may have to. Any assistance on ways to go about and also how to better read pet lists in the kiosk would be so helpful <3

A+ Student
Dec 24, 2009
From my understanding, we're most likely to get the more "common" pet back when we hatch. Example, if you hatch a crowns pet with a piggle, you're way more likely to get a piggle.

Knowing that, I'd suggest you select your most rare pet, a school-only or a crowns pet, or one that dropped in a dungeon. Train it to Adult. Stop. (Keeping it at adult will lower the hatching cost, and you're only using this to try and get a Kookaburra). Right now, you don't care about the talents.

Hatch that rare adult with an adult or ancient Kookaburra in the kiosk (again, to keep the cost down). Keep trying until you get a Kookaburra baby. Once you have the pet you desire, then you start hatching for talents with other Kookaburras.

Good luck!

Alia Misthaven

Jun 27, 2018
That makes so much sense! Didnt even think about ages making different costs. All very helpful. ❤