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New PVP timer update

Jan 16, 2017
Please fix the timer in ranked pvp, Diego is too biased, you would have 10 buffs to your school and Diego would pick the other person because they dealt more damage. Also, the timer makes it near impossible for lower levels to become higher rank, for example say a level 60 is queuing exalteds 30 minutes to kill one is gonna be excruciating. Even then the exalted is just going to kill you first just because of the stat difference. I fully believe this timer was meant for max level pvp. If you don’t change timer atleast fix the match making system. people with no shadow gauge shouldn’t be facing people WITH shadow gauges. Multiple people have been losing just because they didnt have enough time some people are just summoning minions lore spamming with enfeeble pets so you can’t deal damage, people with high rank at lower levels usually run more defensive gear, which means they won’t be able to do massive amounts of damage quickly. People who are using maycast enfeeble pets summoning minions lore spamming mantle spamming stalling the timer are taking advantage of this. Please consider fixing this pvp update.

Sep 30, 2018
ShadowMancer442 on Aug 23, 2020 wrote:
Please fix the timer in ranked pvp, Diego is too biased, you would have 10 buffs to your school and Diego would pick the other person because they dealt more damage. Also, the timer makes it near impossible for lower levels to become higher rank, for example say a level 60 is queuing exalteds 30 minutes to kill one is gonna be excruciating. Even then the exalted is just going to kill you first just because of the stat difference. I fully believe this timer was meant for max level pvp. If you don’t change timer atleast fix the match making system. people with no shadow gauge shouldn’t be facing people WITH shadow gauges. Multiple people have been losing just because they didnt have enough time some people are just summoning minions lore spamming with enfeeble pets so you can’t deal damage, people with high rank at lower levels usually run more defensive gear, which means they won’t be able to do massive amounts of damage quickly. People who are using maycast enfeeble pets summoning minions lore spamming mantle spamming stalling the timer are taking advantage of this. Please consider fixing this pvp update.
That's how it works now. I think this was set up in place to eliminate stall starts or pure healing. So you have to defeat your opponent in under 30 min to avoid being declared a winner by Diego.

Also am not sure if this matters but i think their moving away from low level pvp and focusing on higher rank pvp since basically all mmorpg discourages level locking pvp.

Jun 14, 2017
I think the timer should be lower like 20 minutes that way life immune wizards can't win that easy.

Samantha Max be family friendly and not immune to any schools

Mar 19, 2011
My main problem with the update is that we have to spend time listening to Diego declare winning by "outright triumph."