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Apr 24, 2011
My frankenbunny is ancient and casts spells sometimes on his own, if I get him to epic, will he do it more often?

Sep 04, 2017
I'm not crazy about may casts. No, he won't cast them, more. The higher you get, the less they cast and they never seem to cast any may casts, when you need them most. In my humble opinion you should hatch for attack %, defense %, pierce %, (important when you get higher), and critical. Happy hatching

Aug 03, 2014
LizzytheLizard99 on Oct 8, 2018 wrote:
My frankenbunny is ancient and casts spells sometimes on his own, if I get him to epic, will he do it more often?
Maycasts work via triggers in battle. Different maycasts have different triggers and their rate of activating after a trigger may vary. EG Fairy Friend (maycast fairy) is triggered by anyone taking damage (enemies, yourself or your team mates), DoT damages are included and act as triggers too, any heals (including pet heals), casting blades, auras and shields. The rate of trigger and actually casting is estimated to be about 5% chance.


The 2 main benefits of training your pet further is that it will reveal another talent and training more can allow you to fill your stat bars if needed. Talents that show a percentage next to them on our pets need the stat bars (strength, agility etc) to be filled using snacks or mini game XP to give our pet the highest percentage he can get. Hover over them to see which bars need to filling for the talents you have

Filling different bars will not change the talent that will manifest next - talents and their order of manifestation are set at hatch, they can not be changed by training on different games, feeding different snacks...or even doing a bee dance for Dr Purreau and begging him for luck!

I hope this helps clarify things. If you'd like any help with pets I am happy to help in any way I can

Nov 30, 2011
Basically if you scroll over a pets name in your bag and it says maycast "x" it mean it will cast whatever spell is in the quotations when it is triggered. Different maycasts have different things that make them trigger. There are maycast abilities for heals, blades, wards, auras, traps, blade/ward removal, and a few other things. Each type of maycast has a different trigger, for heals it is damage being dealt to you or your teammates. All a trigger does is give your pet the chance to cast the spell, it isn't that every time something happens your pet casts it, the frequency that they cast it is their trigger rate. Different maycasts have different trigger rates, more powerful spells have lower trigger rates. For example sprite will cast less often than unicorn because unicorn is a much stronger spell.

Leveling up your pets does not may maycasts happen more frequently. Leveling up your pet gives you another talent from the 10 talents it is hatched with you get a new talent at Teen, Adult, Ancient, epic, and Mega. Ultra only lets you put better jewels on your pet. Generally you want to level up your pet as high as you can because the more talents it has the better. Everyone has their own opinions on what pet talents are best but in general most people like getting damage and resist on their pets.

-Nathan Stormthief 125 89